Raising property value through resident  engagement!


A home is much more that a physical destination.  It is a desired feeling of comfort, security and warmth.  For owners and residents of CO-OPs and CONDOs in particular, a home is also defined as belonging to a great community.  In a recent national poll, over 60% of potential home buyers interested in purchasing an apartment unit reported that "Feeling Part Of a Community" is very important to their purchasing decision. And, with the search for the perfect home beginning by far with online searches, the need is even greater to emphasize the great aspects of your managed properties. Your properties are worth so much more than the listed amenities to check on every property search listing. Utuis programs allow Property Managers to unlock the full value of their properties.

U-tuis understands that engaged CO-OP or CONDO owners are typically very satisfied residents.  Satisfied residents are known to be authentic advocates for their residential property.  Favorable conversations with friends, family members and workplace colleagues often spread quickly, and together with the help of a well-crafted brand story that is communicated in online and traditional marketing channels, property values are destined to rise.

U-tuis has the industry expertise and tools to help engage CO-OP and CONDO owners and residents in your managed properties. Learn how our Brand Development, Resident Engagement and Process Enhancement services can help bring added value services to your property Board Members and secure advantages over your Property Management competitors.


Enhance Property Brand Identity

Enlarge Property Digital Footprint

Foster Community Engagement

Build Authentic Advocates